The concept of ethics shows what is right to do and what is wrong to do, to ensure the order of society, to distinguish between good and bad. In this case, an important point of ethics is that it cannot change from person to person, but that it is a universal system of rules and is applied more than a theoretical concept. Just like the ethics that regulates people's relations with each other, we have another understanding of ethics that maintains the order between people and nature: Environmental Ethics.

The environmental problems we face in the 21st century are diversifying. Today, science and technology are widely seen as the only solution to environmental problems. But environmental problems are not just science and technology problems. For this reason, in a period when environmental problems are increasing in every field, we need to deal with the environment, nature and human relations with a holistic approach.

Source 1 : https://www.akademikkaynak.com/cevre-etigi.html
Source 2 : https://ekipedu.com/cevre-ve-etik/

‘’We are at war with nature. If we win, we will lose.”

Hubert Reeves
