Cleaning, which is one of the features that distinguishes societies, was forbidden in some societies in the past because it was seen as shameful and even non-religious, while in some societies the opposite was given importance and attention was paid at every moment of our lives.

With the coronavirus pandemic, the sensitivity of our society to cleanliness has increased even more. When we look at the World History, many epidemics such as "Hong Kong Flu, Russian Flu, Asian Flu, Spanish Flu, Black Plague, HIV/AIDS" have been experienced from the past to the present, and deaths have not been prevented due to the lack of development of medicine and cleanliness.

History has reminded us of the pandemics we have experienced before, with the Coronavirus. In this process, we also remembered the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. The hygiene measures we take reduce the risk of contracting the Corona virus and also significantly reduce the death rate. Here, when we compare the past with the present, we are presented with great opportunities in terms of hygiene. For example; cologne, disinfectant, wet wipes, disposable masks and gloves are some of the opportunities offered for hygiene. As a result of the researches carried out by the experts, it was understood that the spread of the Coronavirus, which spread rapidly all over the world in a short time, would not have been so great if the necessary hygiene measures had been taken at the very beginning.

On this occasion, countries that did not pay enough attention to hygiene rules before Covid-19 started to give great importance to general and personal hygiene as a result of the researches. In the measures taken to prevent the increase rate of the virus during the coronavirus pandemic period, it is aimed to protect the people theirselves first and then the people around them. In line with these measures, masks, gloves, disinfectants and colognes emerged as the main actors.
